Ecommerce Login URL
If you are new customer or would like to amend customer information, please go to New/Amend Customer Information form first
请下载模板填写,并上传到系统 单次仅限上传一个Excel文件 文件大小不超过10MB 文件类型:xlsx
*The system automatically populates the first 5 bill of lading (###) from each receipt in the downloaded Multiple Invoice(s), not required to fill in the remarks. If you need to include any other additional information, please contact the Finance Department of the collection branch directly.
*系统会自动填充下载的多张发票中每张收据的前 5 张提单 (###), 无需填写备注. 如果您需要包含任何其他附加信息,请与收款分公司的财务担当人员联络.